
Jim's HAM Radio Hobby Home Page!


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Jim's Shack

Got my coffee, and visiting with some friends!

Join us on the 147.000 MHz (+600) WBØIYC 2m repeater when you are around Joplin, MO.

Misc. Items

Links of interest to Radio Amateurs

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Please send any favorite links, page updates, corrections, comments, and reports of dead links to Jim Scott atwb0iyc email

The content and management of this website is solely the responsibility of James D. Scott. Any violation of copyright is accidental, and if discovered, will be promptly addressed. All material presented on this website is intended for the express enjoyment by Ham Radio Operators and other interested persons, and is without pecuniary interest. However, all content is assigned to, or is the property of the publisher (aka head guru), and is hereby copyrighted 2006.

All network resources for this site are graciously provided by
Scott Electronic Systems, Inc.
who expense every dime they can!

Last updated on 12-20-2006

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